
Recommendation Badge by Restaurant Guru

With gratitude & pride, we are proud to share that Hira Sweets has been awarded a

“Recommendation badge by Restaurant Guru”

based on customer reviews!


We thank you for your support & love and look forward to your continuous support always.”

25 Most Innovative Products Award

With gratitude & pride, we are proud to share that Hira Sweets has won under category

“25 Most Innovative Products Award”

for our star product Balushahi at 3rd world Mithai Namkeen convention & Expo. In Hyderabad.


We thank you for your votes and look forward to your continuous support always.”


Recommendation Badge by Restaurant Guru

With gratitude & pride, we are proud to share that Hira Sweets has been awarded a

“Recommendation badge by Restaurant Guru”

based on customer reviews!


We thank you for your support & love and look forward to your continuous support always.”

25 Most Innovative Products Award

With gratitude & pride, we are proud to share that Hira Sweets has won under category

“25 Most Innovative Products Award”

for our star product Balushahi at 3rd world Mithai Namkeen convention & Expo. In Hyderabad.


We thank you for your votes and look forward to your continuous support always.”